Political Violence & Terrorism Insurance
War and terrorism insurance coverage gives you and your business unique protection from some of the most unpredictable risks in the world.

Lockton Wattana’s team offers dedicated and specialist services encompassing all aspects of war, terrorism and political violence in the local market including worldwide marketplace. Coverage is available for multi-national programmes, single territory placements and single location placements as follows:
- Sabotage and terrorism
- Riots, strikes, civil commotion, and malicious damage
- Political violence
- Terrorism construction
- Loss of attraction and event cancellation
Terrorism continues to evolve as an ongoing threat. Our experts will show you ways to mitigate and manage the risks now and in the future.

Mingkwan Sirichaiyakul
Senior Department Manager – Lockton Financial Services +66(0) 2635 5000 Ext.6902
Viyada Engchuan
Senior Division Manager – Lockton Financial Services +66(0) 2635 5000 Ext.6901